Grants for the creation of new jobs within companies

The state aid scheme financed through GD 332/2014, with subsequent amendments and completions, supports the creation of new jobs in SMEs (including start-ups) and large enterprises, by financing wage costs for newly created jobs for a period of two years from their creation.

As a result of the investments made, companies that create at least 100 jobs benefit from non-reimbursable financial assistance in the percentage of up to 50% of the value of salary expenses, registered for a period of 2 consecutive years, as a result of the creation of new jobs.

Jobs must be created as a result of an initial investment. The initial investment refers to setting up a new unit, expanding the capacity of an existing unit, diversifying the production of an existing unit or a fundamental change in the overall production process within an existing unit.

The call is currently open at this time, and companies can submit projects within the available budget.

Wise Finance Solutions has the experience of accessing and implementing projects related to the financing scheme GD 332/2014 and can support you in accessing this financing source. For a free analysis of your company’s eligibility and for discussions on key aspects of the funding source, we are at your disposal.

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